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11 Difference Between B2B and B2C eCommerce Websites [Updated 2023]

11 Difference Between B2B and B2C eCommerce Websites [Updated 2023]

We all know how B2B differs from B2C. However, we all are not quite sure when it comes to deciding how a B2B eCommerce website should differ from B2C.

Well, if we take a real-life example of any wholesale store that sells to other store owners and the store owner who sells directly to the customer. You will get a glimpse of everything that’s mentioned in the blog below.

A B2B business needs a different setup than that of a B2C. And hence, the online setup of both differs in certain aspects. Let’s explore!

11 Difference Between B2B eCommerce and B2C eCommerce

11 Difference Between B2B and B2C eCommerce Websites [Updated 2023]

1. The user interface of B2C is more focused on aesthetics while that of B2B is focused on products/services

While B2B products typically focus more on delivering products/services than on minute aesthetical details, this is different for B2C products. In fact, many B2C businesses need to have an aesthetically pleasing UI and product presentation that actually helps them attract new customers and boost sales.

So, when you visit a B2C eCommerce, you will see that more focus is led on aesthetics. While, when you open the B2B eCommerce, you will see the focus is on the technical details of the products and services.

Coming to UI, both websites will need a smooth and attractive UI and UX.

2. B2B eCom focuses more on UBPs while B2C focuses on USPs

B2B eCommerce focuses more on unique buying points while B2C focuses on unique selling points. This is because, with B2B, the target audience of B2B is the seller to B2C or the manufacturer. Hence, B2B websites focus more on unique buying points. Why buyers should choose them and how the buyers of the buyers will benefit from them.

Additionally, buyers can trust that the seller will use their information in a way that benefits them rather than using it for their own benefit.

On the other hand, with B2C, the target audience is only the end user. Hence, B2C eCom ought to focus on unique selling points more. And the website focuses more on user experience after purchasing the product.

Both the website content thus have different tonality and presentation altogether.

3. B2B has a selling page which has an informative approach while B2C’s selling page has a promotional approach

B2B and B2C selling pages have different goals. The methods used on these pages vary depending on the type of sale being made.

For example, when selling a product or service online, technical approaches are typically used because they aim to show how the product works and why it should be bought. These approaches include detailed descriptions of features or instructions for using the product.

On the other hand, promotional approaches are typically used when building relationships with potential buyers. This type of approach focuses on attracting attention by using striking logos, catchy copywriting (elements like “get hooked”), and eye-catching images that captivate readers right away. They also often contain testimonials from satisfied customers who have provided helpful ratings and reviews.

4. B2B eCommerce focuses on account management and custom pricing, while B2C eCommerce focuses on product information and consumer reviews

There is a bit of a difference between B2B and B2C eCommerce when it comes to account management and custom pricing.

B2B eCommerce focuses on account management (managing customer accounts, contact information, orders, etc.) and custom pricing (charging different prices for different products or services). This helps businesses maximise their profits by taking advantage of the unique needs of their customers.

Meanwhile, B2C eCommerce is all about providing product information (including images, descriptions, and specs) and consumer reviews so that consumers can make informed decisions about which products to buy. By giving consumers this level of detail upfront, businesses can boost sales by reducing the amount of time they need to spend researching product specifications online.

5. B2B deals with higher tickets and larger quantities and hence COD isn’t the option

In a B2B deal, the buyer typically has higher ticket sizes and/or larger quantities than in a B2C deal. And that makes a significant difference. In B2B, you need to set some minimum order quantity. Or, you need an option of sample products.

Also, your payment agreements and terms should be pre-described. As B2B is dealing in larger quantities, the receiver also needs to check the goods once they are received. So, payment isn’t as easy as B2C. You need to define your terms during the checkout process.

And mostly, the B2B payments aren’t fully automated. Human interference is a must before making a deal.

6. Promoting B2B distinctly differs from B2C

You won’t see any B2B company marketing themselves on social media instead of LinkedIn, Quora and rarely on Twitter. As these platforms are carrying a professional vibe, B2B will choose to consider only these platforms. Otherwise, they are mostly good with emails, direct calls and offline advertising.

On the other hand, promoting B2C is comparatively easier these days. You can get an influencer shoutout and can send cold DMs to your targeted audience.

Your promotional methods matter because you are going to ultimately share your eCom URL as a call to action. And hence, B2B websites are more professional, clean and straight to the point.

7. Branding and Marketing aspects

As discussed in the above point, promoting B2B and B2C differs distinctly. And so does their branding.

Choosing brand elements for B2B has to be based on the parameters of legacy, expertise, trust and security.

While in B2C, the parameters could vary depending on the niche. Here, legacy and expertise don’t matter much. However, a parameter of trust and security must be conveyed. If we look at the eCom market at the moment, people are buying from random, newer or unknown eCom stores too.

But, the same is not the case with the B2B market.

8. B2B might require a couple of more payment options to accept the larger payments

These days, even B2C has a lot many options to accept payments. However, in B2B, you need to be very keen about your payment methods as the amount would be higher.

You need to accept the cheques and Demand Drafts in some cases. You need to have your payment terms very very clear. You need to define your currency and the banks from which you can accept the payments.

Usually, COD isn’t available for B2B, but still, you need to predefine the probabilities of accepting the COD payments.

9. B2C requires heavy Hosting and Server space as compared to B2B

Although B2B has heavy transactions, the traffic on B2B is comparatively lesser. As only niche-specific business owners would be coming to the site. And that too, they won’t be visiting the site daily.

Hence, while developing a B2C eCom website, you have to be more careful about hosting and server spacing, and response time. The same is not the case with B2B.

10. B2B Websites prefer a Subscription Module

B2B websites typically require a subscription module for purchasing, while B2C websites will not. In B2B, the seller expects to have a subscription for their purchases. And most of the time buyer does take one. However, the quantity may vary each month depending on the demand.

Hence, with B2B, there are more checkout options and the process isn’t straightforward.

11. Pricing of B2B is highly negotiable

There are several factors that affect pricing decisions in the B2B world: what type of product or service is being offered, how much stock (or inventory) is available, current market conditions, and competitor actions.

While in B2C, you know! The only feasible option is to switch the site for price negotiation.

What’s Similar Between B2B and B2C eCommerce

Well, there actually many things quite similar in these both. The first and foremost is customer support. Trust, care, and relationship building stays similar everywhere irrespective of audience size. Personalizing your care to your customers can’t be avoided in either of these!

1. Customer Services and Engagements

  1. Omnichannel Conversation Facility

  2. Newsletters

  3. Email & Social Media Marketing

2. Look and Feel of the website UI

3. Integration of Payment Gateways

4. Chatbot and Conversational AI integration and setup

5. CRM integration

Bottom Line

There are many minor yet very significant differences between B2B eCommerce and B2C eCommerce. At Asesa Soft, we know exactly what it takes to build an eCommerce website to bring you more conversions and sales.

We are open to assisting you with any query you have in your mind. Getting in touch with us is absolutely FREE and P.S. we aren’t upselling anything.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the key considerations when developing a B2B eCommerce website?

When developing a B2B eCommerce website, it's important to consider the unique needs of business customers, such as the ability to set up and manage multiple user accounts, the ability to request quotes or place orders on credit, and the ability to integrate with existing business systems.

When developing a B2C eCommerce website, it's important to focus on creating a user-friendly and visually appealing site, with easy navigation, detailed product descriptions and high-quality images. Additionally, it's important to ensure that the checkout process is simple and secure and that various payment options are available.

To ensure the security of your B2B eCommerce website, it's important to implement SSL encryption and to regularly update your website software to patch any security vulnerabilities. You should also require strong passwords and consider using multi-factor authentication for account access.

To ensure that your B2C eCommerce website is mobile-friendly, it's important to use a responsive design that automatically adapts to different screen sizes. Additionally, you should also test your website on various mobile devices to ensure that all elements of the site are accessible and easy to use.

To integrate your eCommerce website with other business systems, you can use various technologies such as APIs (Application Programming Interface) or middleware platforms to connect different systems and automate data exchange. Additionally, you can also consider using pre-built integrations or plugins that can be easily added to your website.
